We have all heard about the year 2012 and the coming of a Great Planetary Shift.  Some of what we have heard, are rumors based in fear, for example; “2012 is the end of the world” but in truth,IT IS.   It is the end of the world AS WE HAVE KNOWN IT.  It is the end of a third dimensional world that functions within a consciousness of duality and separation; separation from Source and from each other.  The  time for our letting go of false concepts and beliefs that no longer work for us,  is here.   The old is not resonating with the new and higher frequencies of fifth dimensional energy.  We are graduating! Gaia is a living Soul and not a piece of dirt that we can utilize as we please and destroy to suit our own selfish desires.  She has tried to keep her clearing, gentle out of love for us, so  humans  could evolve even though she has been  resonating at a higher energy.  She is moving her physical body into her Light Body.  We can go with her or not, it is our choice. The criterion for  partaking in the shift is that of having evolved to a “consciousness of Oneness”.   An individual may seem to have no interest whatsoever in spiritual matters, but could very well have over the course of many lifetimes, evolved to where he or she understands that all life is connected (animal, plant, mankind-One Life) and this is the individual’s state of consciousness.  There are others however who simply have not evolved enough through their lifetimes to be able move into the fifth dimensional energy of ONE, and they will be given another place in which to evolve at their own pace. What does this mean for you and me?  Well, right now there is a lot of “house cleaning” going on for Gaia and for us.  As higher resonating Light enters our world, it automatically displaces old and heavy three dimensional energy.  This releasing of old (some heavy and negative) energy manifests on the material level, as fires, floods, tornadoes, and other weather phenomena.  Gaia isn’t specifically targeting areas of the earth; it is simply a matter of the Light displacing the heavy.  These areas have history; some ancient, and some not, and some that must be cleared. As we bring in the lighter higher resonance of the new dimension, we as individuals are also releasing the old. Our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies are all bringing in the higher resonating Light energies. Physically,  releasing the old  enables cells  to bring in the  higher frequencies, we may feel physically sick and very tired.  Occasionally a long dormant discordant energy may express and suddenly pop to the surface or an area of blockage from injury or surgery, is unblocked and this can be temporarily painful. Emotionally we can feel as if we are real close to “losing it” and not understand  why.  We may experience extreme depression, frustration, sadness, or anger for no seeming reason.  These are old emotions carried from many lifetimes as well as this one, which are now surfacing in order to be released.  We find ourselves once again experiencing the emotions that accompanied these events.  We may recall events from the past of this present lifetime and find ourselves re living them and getting upset all over again.  Mentally, we start to question many long held and cherished beliefs, asking ourselves why we ever believed them in the first place.  This often causes dissention in families who still strongly adhere to those certain beliefs now being questioned.  Spiritually we begin to open and become more receptive to new ideas and new ways of non-dogmatic spirituality.  We may take an interest in meditation or start reading books that we would have dismissed as crazy a year ago.  We begin our search for the meaning of it all. Our job as spiritual initiates is to understand that this powerful time is the process of enlightenment which will enable us to integrate into our fifth dimensional Light Bodies while still in our ordinary physical ones just as Gaia is shifting. Difficult physical or emotional clearings will usually only last about three days at a time, and then you get a break. (For a bit) During the clearing times rest, relax, and try not to resist because you now know what is happening.  Don’t claim the old energies you are releasing back in, they are LEAVING and as they leave you may once again re-experience them.   HONOR YOURSELF AND HONOR YOUR PROCESS.  That is the key. Once we have chosen to evolve and have stated our intention (through various ways-for instance meditation) to grow spiritually, the “train leaves the station” and no amount of rite or ritual will make it go any faster or slower. We can ask that our spiritual journey be gentle and loving.  There is a very entrenched concept in  impersonal world consciousness that was given mankind by religions which teaches that we must suffer in order to be spiritual.  Many still believe that the more you suffer, the holier you are.  Because of this, many, not realizing that this is a belief and not a truth, experience many  difficult times in their evolutionary process. Remember the outer is always the inner (our state of consciousness) made manifest. Rejoice and be glad, all is perfect and moving according to plan. All are being guided through this process and all are very loved by Beings of Light who are watching and helping planet earth and her inhabitants at this powerful time of graduation. 6/24/08