“The mind in its un-illumined state,  filled with materialistic beliefs, theories, opinions, doctrines, and creeds can only manifest its own state of chaos; but a mind freed of these beliefs becomes the instrument through which the creative Principle of life can flow as harmonious and eternal form.   The external appearance is always mind-formed.  As we sow mentally, so shall we reap materially.”

 from “The Thunder of Silence” by  Joel S. Goldsmith


An energy clearing of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual  bodies  happens as we move further into the resonance of  fifth dimensional energy.  Many evolving humans are going through clearings right now .  Ills and maladies are popping up  where before  they were not even a part of waking consciousness.  There is a universal sense of tiredness, and disturbed sleep patterns.  We may experience  symptoms we believe to be  heart attack, but  which turn out to be nothing.  These  are spiritually are associated with  a deeper opening of the heart chakra.  I have a friend who suddenly experienced a yellowing of the whites of  his eyes; this we were told, was a clearing of toxins and old energy in the kidney and pancreas area.  We may feel sick to our stomach, headachy, and extremely tired, all of which are physical manifestations of the clearing  old energies in order to  make room for the new and higher.   Many  find themselves interested in doing  physical cleanses- of the colon, liver, or gall bladder, or becoming a vegetarian, or switching to organic or more natural skin products.  These are all signals of evolution; signs  that the physical body is shifting out of  old, heavy, three dimensional energy.  Our consciousness is opening to a deeper  understanding of healthier and better ways of taking care of the physical body.

Physical cells are conscious.  Start talking to your cells,  telling them to let go of all the old programing that you have carried into this life from other life times.  Energetically, we pick up where we left off from our last life time.  Tell your cells that it is time to embrace the Divine Blueprint for that particular cell, and to let go of any fear  developed and carried from other life time experiences.  Send love and light to the cells of every organ and function of your physical body, flooding them with a light as if it were the sun shining on a lake, barely able to be looked at.  Tell them you understand they are afraid because they are functioning from past experience, but that  it is now a new time, a time to let all past experiences release. Tell them  that they are safe, and that they have a sacred function that is unconditioned by the beliefs of duality. You can have relatively pain free surgical experience by preparing your cells for what is coming.

Even as we evolve into our fifth dimensional Light Bodies, we are still living in physical  bodies with cells but that is the miracle of this ascension process, we are ascending while in our physical  bodies.  Be careful not to immediately fall back into old concepts of disease when you experience physical symptoms, but simply  recognize that this is what we have been asking for;  a step forward in our evolution. This does not mean that you are to  ignore an illness if you feel  the need for medical help,  but  means that it is important  to remember that as we move into the new energy, we are going to experience some  physical signs.

The clearing of the emotional body can be  a painful experience because  we are unloading life times of stored emotional trauma.   Our Higher Self will lovingly guide us through the process if we can  step aside and simply allow  it to unfold, freeing us of the heavy emotional  burdens we have dragged with us through lifetimes.  As old negative emotional energies come to the surface to be released,  we experience them as depression, anger, frustration, and negativity; in other words, we experience the emotions we have  here-to- fore avoided and pushed  down deep in this and all previous lifetimes.  If we can resist the temptation to reclaim these clearing  emotions,  and realize that the experience is simply old energy  leaving, then it will  gradually decrease in intensity.   If a clearing is particularly intense, we may believe that we are spiritually losing ground and begin all sorts of techniques to get rid of our feelings.  This simply gives these old emotions  new life and power  because now we have claimed them back in as “ours”.

Once we  commit  to spiritually grow, unfold, and take the steps to do so,  “the train leaves the station” so to speak.  We don’t have to light a  candle, chant a chant, hold a crystal, sit a certain way,  wave our arms in a specified  direction, or use affirmations. These old techniques we used when living deeply in third dimensional energy,  because  we needed techniques to get us into the higher frequencies.  We are now IN the higher frequencies and our job is to simply  be ready and willing,  give permission, understand the process the best we can, and then sit back and enjoy  (or not) the ride. Energy is different now; the earth and its people have evolved; it is faster, higher, and lighter.

At first, emotional clearing can be difficult.  We often have no idea why we feel as we do and we never know exactly what is clearing, because there is no need to.  Our job is to understand that we are simply old clearing and not slipping backwards, although it may seem like it.  Emotional clearings usually last about three intense days at a time, but then  become less intense and shorter.

If we are carrying deep  emotional blocks that we are unable to  clear in a general way, they will be brought  to a conscious level  to be looked at and released.  These are those deeply traumatic events from other lifetimes that  need to be consciously recognized in order for us to  release them; examples could be being burned at the stake in another life or  deeply buried experiences of painful abuse.

Just honor the process.   If you are having some really depressing and sad days, remember now you know what is going on.  Rent a funny movie,  pamper yourself, and don’t resist.    Regardless of how it feels, it is a good thing, a step forward.  It is a process that everyone must go through in order to bring in their Light body.

Clearing of the mental body involves the evaluating and releasing all concepts and beliefs  we still  hold to be truth simply  because our first grade teacher,  parents, priest / minister, or some  “expert”  told us so.  We begin to move  more deeply into our own power when the mental  clears through the letting go of our outgrown  belief system. We  begin to trust our intuition to guide us, and  seriously seek  answers to what  is truth.  As with the clearing of the physical and emotional, we don’t consciously do the clearing, we simply give permission, acknowledge that we are ready, and then begin to dig deep into our belief system as ideas and emotions present themselves.  Ask;  “What am I believing that is making me feel this way”?  This opens up a whole can of “belief” worms.  Then ask; “Is this true”?

As old outgrown beliefs start to surface we  are presented with an opportunity to reject or accept them.  Beliefs that we may have previously accepted without question, begin to pester our thinking, like a mosquito that  won’t go away.

We begin to look deeper and to question, and thus begin moving  into our power as spiritual beings.  We evaluate our belief choices and start the process of changing from spoon fed  “tried and true” third dimensional concepts  into choices that represent a  higher world view. We start to live out from  a whole new way of seeing and being.

We move into a realization of the continuity of life, and begin to understand why war always has been and always will be, the 3D sense of separation and duality.  We come to understand that abundance is a quality of  Divine Self Completeness and is therefore within all, not just the few.  We start to see that all life is the One Life and is therefore connected as One. Thus begins our journey of re-evaluating our belief system, and the replacing of old concepts with truth.  This is the clearing of the mental body.

If we have been  rigid in our thinking and in  our beliefs, this experience  can feel like the foundation is being pulled out from under us, because it is.  The foundation of sticks we built must crumble in order  to make room for a new and stronger one made of stone.  This can be  a painful  time because as we begin to question and move beyond  our old beliefs,  “friends” may leave because you no longer resonate with them or the interests you once had in common– they  “don’t understand what has happened to you”. They  may tell you to stop acting crazy and try convincing you  of your error, using  arguments from your old belief system. This can be  a lonely time if find yourself with no friends at all. This is the point at which some relationships disintegrate because one partner is moving spiritually deeper but  the other is not yet ready.  It is as if one is standing on a rooftop  and the other on the sidewalk, both looking at the same thing.  No blame, only different views.

Don’t panic and slip back into  thinking you are crazy.  Even if you do try to go back, it doesn’t work because you are energetically aligned with a new energy in a new state of consciousness.   Like attracts like, and those that  most closely resonate with your new energy level will begin to appear in your life.

This  is why we are here on earth, to evolve into the truth of being while in the third dimensional energy of duality and separation.  Mind, as it interprets this new state of consciousness, will begin to present ever new and higher forms of Divine Ideas.  You will begin to experience new opportunities, new people, and new ways of living.
