(Reclaim your power)

Many women  choose to live  lives in the safety and  security of in  is known and familiar.  It can be done in marriage, motherhood, victimhood, or even through ill health.  Universally accepted concepts about these things make it easy to live without ever questioning and at the same time shift  blame for any problems to someone else. This allows the person to sit back and enjoy doing nothing  with regard to self empowerment or independence.  They usually live until someone or something “rocks their boat”, lives filled with concepts about how everything should look or be in order to be “right” according to  current beliefs.

They live as followers of whatever popular world concept happens to be in vogue at the time  in order to avoid taking responsibility for themselves and looking to others to make decisions for them.  They commonly say;   “My husband or kids wouldn’t  want me to do that” or  “I can’t because I am not smart enough.  How would I survive without my husband’s income? My preacher/priest says that is a sin.  My family  knows what is  best for me…” etc. etc… This stagnant approach to living prevents personal growth on all levels.  Any dreams or ideas they may of once had,  simply wither and die from  lack of sustenance  frequently adding fuel to the blame and victimhood game.  It is a vicious cycle, but one that can be broken.

Women of all ages  with low self esteem, frequently strive to emulate the beautiful, rich, and famous even if a particular trend does not even suit them.  They  mistakenly believe  that imitation will  bring them the acceptance and love that their idol enjoys. There are those of all ages who dress  and act provocatively and allow themselves to be sexually “used” in the  false belief that sex  is love.   The seeking of desirability, love, and “specialness” through the  imitation of another  indicates a lack of self love and  ignorance of ones own uniqueness 

The focus of this article is on women, because women are often more susceptible to  concepts about women being the  weaker sex, always  in need of protection, and a firm hand.  These concepts also promote  the idea that a woman’s role and duty is to serve others,  sacrifice, (even at the loss of her own self), and  “fix” everyone or anything believed to need “fixing”. These ideas are  usually served up  by people in positions of authority who are rigidly attached to what may of worked in the past  (tradition or dogma) and are  very  resistant to change.  

Many middle eastern countries still consider women to be invisible and unimportant and  enforce these beliefs through laws and attitudes consisting of physical, emotional, and mental bondage.  Masculine energy devoid of its feminine aspect will manifest as aggression and violence. Time is quickly running out for those continuing to cling to these obsolete concepts for the majority is beginning  to realize that there is no such thing as a weaker sex–different, but not weaker.

Masculine and feminine energies each hold  unique qualities that act to support, balance, uphold, and complete the other.  When  balanced equally in an individual,  they manifest as wholeness, completeness, and personal power based in unconditional love.

Feminine energy is less aggressive and more nurturing  because it is the receptive, intuitive, gentler facet of Divine energy.   Because of these qualities,  women were considered  weak and less capable of making  intelligent decisions about “important” things.   Earlier generations accepted these concepts without question even to  believing  that women were happiest and most content when  caring  for others  (them) through motherhood, marriage, or in  performing menial work.  Women were expected to be grateful, complacent, and accepting of their “place” and the sad thing is, many women as well as men fully embraced these ideas.   Wealth or life experiences occasionally allowed a woman some power to make her own choices, but even then the choices were usually severely restricted.

Some men also choose to live this way–males who allow fear  to build for them a “safe” cocoon of  non-action while living lives of quiet desperation. These dear souls live constantly fearful  of rocking someone’s  mythical boat while at the same time  pretending to be productive and happy.  More often than not, they chose a male body for this particular incarnation because on a soul level they realized their need to develop, integrate,  and balance  more masculine energy.

Everyone is on earth to spiritually evolve and there comes a point  in everyone’s evolutionary journey when the attainment and balancing of masculine and feminine energies  is imperative for spiritual growth.   Many have already done this  in previous lifetimes and are easily recognizable as individuals who are kind and nurturing (feminine) but also have  strong “take charge” energy if necessary.  The true essence of every soul is an equal balance of both the masculine (active, be-er, do-er) and the  feminine (receptive, intuitive) but this is not generally known or accepted in the human scene.  

Gender confusion  is the result of a person living  lifetime after lifetime as one gender  and then between lives realizing that he/she  must attain a balance of both the masculine and feminine energies.  Then then choose pre-birth  to incarnate as the gender they are less familiar with.  Once on earth in the density of three dimensional energy and because they  still resonate with the familiar energy of the many other lifetimes, he/she believes that somehow they are  in the wrong body or that there is a physical problem.

When a woman is  spiritually ready and needs to more fully integrate her masculine  aspect but continues to ignore doing it,  opportunities will begin to  arise that force them forward.   These “wake up calls” are often necessary for women accustomed to living the status quo–doing what they are told, never asserting themselves or taking responsibility, and feeling no need to change. 

She may find her life suddenly filled  with one experience after another that forces her to speak up or take some sort of action (masculine-active, be-er, do-er) regardless of how uncomfortable or foreign these experiences may be.  These “wake up calls” are never conscious choices because most would  choose to avoid them, but the Higher Self knows exactly when a soul is ready for the next phase of their spiritual journey.  

The imbalance of masculine and feminine energies on earth has resulted in much misunderstanding  with regard to marriage, employment, spirituality, and many facets of ordinary living.  There are those so  insecure and unsure of who and what they are that they consistently  turn to anyone who seems to have answers and in the process, lose themselves even more deeply.  Everyone is on earth to exercise their free will, make decisions, and learn from them–some choices may be disastrous and some not.  Over lifetimes, making choices and experiencing the consequences of those choices, teaches and eventually awakens every soul to its spiritual nature.

Because the earth is now shifting  into the higher frequencies of the ascension process, it is imperative for every evolving soul to acknowledge and step into their personal power.  There can be no evolutionary progress if a person continues to hold the belief that everyone was  created as a half…half of a couple, half of energy, half of anything.  

Up to now, mankind’s’ ignorance of personal power has allowed governments, educators, churches, families, friends, etc. to make all the rules, but new and higher frequencies of Light are dissolving that which  is obsolete and finished.  Believing that one’s salvation is possible  only through the intercession  of another, be it Jesus, Buddha, the saints, ascended Beings, your pastor or anyone else is a myth.  Everyone is responsible for their own evolutionand must do their own spiritual work which can include loving guidance from the spiritual masters if one wants it.

A woman who has integrated her masculine will never again feel obligated to accept another persons choices for her when her own resonate as being correct, nor will she shrink back from her dreams and goals  in the belief that  a woman she is not allowed to have them.  An integrated woman (or man) is not afraid to make decisions and then act upon them, and will never again believe that personal validation  is dependant upon outside opinions or concepts. She now realizes that she is a spark of the Divine which means her real Self is whole and complete, always has been and always will be.  This realization results in a woman not afraid to  put on her “big girl pants”.

Self empowerment never excludes asking another’s opinion, consulting an expert,  considering other’s wishes, or family obligations–nor does it mean that every choice will always be  the right choice.  It does mean having the confidence to make and  stand behind one’s intuitively guided personal choices which is an activity of the masculine aspect.  Mistakes will be made, but one quickly realizes that the sky does not fall down when an erroneous decision is made.  This is how inner strength and confidence develops  and allows one to make new and perhaps better choices.  

To paraphrase Mary Baker Eddy; “my masculine protects, supports, and takes care of my feminine and my feminine nurtures, guides, and loves my masculine…”
