“In the company of One” were the words I clearly heard upon awakening one morning.  This phrase perfectly expresses the energy of the times we find ourselves in.  It informs us that at all times we are and always have been only in the company of One, whether alone or with others. 

ONE appearing as: flowers, trees, rocks, or even the chair we may be sitting in.  The mistake we buy in to, that which underlies the whole human condition is the belief in  two powers which manifests as duality and separation.  The acceptance of and belief in  separation from each other and Source has resulted in the three dimensional world.

Human eyes see the many, and erroneously assumes that everything and everyone is separate because it looks that way, but could there be an infinite God and something else? Who would of made it? What would it be made of?  If God is not Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient then what sort of God do we have in our consciousness, the old pagan gods or a man in a beard in the sky?

Every person who asks himself; “Who am I? How did I get here? What am I  supposed to be doing?”  should not ask these questions unless he is prepared to get information he may not like or even want.  Beginning to seriously search for spiritual answers is a  like opening the proverbial “can of worms”.  Artifacts discovered  during serious inner “digs” are more often than not  found with many long standing and cherished beliefs attached. 

Countless is a good word for all the times over years that I  asked; “Who put me here and why did they do it, because I surely would not have chosen this!”  But alas, with time comes the realization that everyone  indeed consciously or unconsciously does indeed choose their life experiences. 

In fact, each and every one of us begged for the chance to be on earth at this profoundly spiritual time.  We chose to be here to complete our own inner dig, and then  help others find their freedom from the past life chains  still binding many to the three dimensional belief system.   We become guides for those spiritually  prepared, leading them by words and example through the fourth and into fifth dimensional energy, which is the dimension of unconditional Love. 

The reason present times are so spiritually powerful is that the human race has  evolved to a point where most are ready  to let go of and move beyond the long accepted false concepts, teachings, and beliefs we have heretofore accepted as truth.

Organized religions and metaphysics are all about changing a bad pictures into a good one,  and then patting themselves on the back for doing it.  But now comes this universal ascension information knocking those unwilling to change, right off their feet and into fear which is in turn  manifesting as a great deal of proselytizing about hell and damnation to anyone refusing to stay locked in the old. 

New and higher teachings regarding nothing needing healing, correcting, or changing because there is only ONE, always has been, and always will be, and that ONE  already perfect are very scary to the leaders and followers of most organized religions base their income and following primarily from fear based beliefs in duality and separation. 

The human ego is not receptive to teachings that are new or different from what they already know.  Egos  believe that they already have all the right answers. Religious leaders of all denominations could lift  their congregations to new levels of consciousness and truly serve if only they would only allow themselves to open to more and begin to think outside of the box they have put themselves in.

If everyone suddenly woke up and realized that God was within them and not in a building no matter how grand,  or that people don’t need  intermediaries to reach God , where would that leave the many multimillion dollar church businesses? Fear keeps most followers  stuck in the status quo and greed keeps many of these so called religious leaders doing what they do.  The time is coming when many obsolete teachings of the past will no longer resonate with people because  they are evolving to new levels of awareness. 

Am I alive?   Are you alive?  This is the key question because if we are, (and I highly suspect that we are), then we can only be in and of the One and only Life there is, that which we term God, Source, Creator…  We  constitute all that the One Divine Life  is.  God manifesting ITSELF in, as, and through us. 

ITs completeness can only ever be our completeness.  ITs wholeness appearing as our wholeness. ITS intelligence appearing as our intelligence, and on and on infinitely.  We can’t have just one little part of God if God is all there is.  Life is Life is Life… 

It is at this point in our inner dig  that we discover the secret of LOVE–Unconditional Love.  There is only ONE manifesting ITself in infinite form and variety but always remaining ONE.

Unconditional Love is the activity of ONEness.

Everyone’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experiences manifest according to the depth of their realization of truth–their attained state of consciousness. 

Many love to quote; “The truth shall make you free.”  Especially when expounding their particular truth to others.  However, the full and correct quote is;  “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” 

I/Source/God is always expressing ITself and because IT is all there is, Its manifestations and ideas are maintained, sustained and held forever in place by Divine law.

So why is it that our day to day living experiences do not  express in complete, whole, or harmonious ways?  Like the person who starves to death because he is ignorant of having million dollar bank account somewhere, we too do not realize or believe that we each hold a  million dollar account within. 

Truth must be realized before it can manifest because we are creators.  Our inner IS our outer.  Mind is the substance of matter.  We really are the creators of our lives, and we have to have the courage to ask ourselves; “What have I been creating?” 

Time is running short. Are you ready to enjoy the Company of ONE?

                                                                                        Marilyn Champagne Raffaele   10/15/18