November 24, 2024

Dear readers welcome to our message.  Know that everything is proceeding according to plan in spite of  the world wide confusion and chaos prevalent at this time.

Pockets of dense energy much of which continues to manifest on earth must  be exposed and actually seen for what it represents before it can be  eliminated.  The high frequency energies now pouring to earth at this time are acting like  giant shovels digging and exposing layers of  energy that have lain dormant for centuries.  Energies of duality, separation and many powers cannot continue to exist in the presence of  higher frequencies because they are not real and have no Divine law to support them.  Because the clearing process  is a facet of earth’s ascension,  it will continue until Light energy becomes more dominant.

Never forget that you incarnated specifically to be on earth for these present times in order to add the light of your evolved state of consciousness to earth’s collective consciousness. Not everyone that wanted to come was allowed to come but you were chosen because you were considered strong enough to hold your  Light in spite of  the discord you knew would be part of the ascension process.  You were informed before incarnating that the clearing process would personally and globally result in the dissolving of many universally accepted three dimensional concepts and yet you raised your hand and said; “I want to go.  I want to help”.

Many are suffering at this time because they do not understand what is really going on and continue to believe what they are told by those in positions of power or authority who can only see the world through three dimensional eyes.  As you witness a world of increasing violence, war, and separation it becomes very easy to slip into this energy.  Because there is only ONE,  the frequencies of the collective are everywhere making it very easy to fall into alignment with global fear and beliefs.

Be alert to where your mind may want to take you and  if you feel yourself slipping into  illusions of separation stop, center,  and remember that the things you are worrying about or fearing are the very things you came to help eliminate rather than empower with your energy.  Go within often  reminding yourself  of who you and all people really  are which has never been the human physical sense of self that you see in the mirror or on the news.   Acknowledge, accept, trust, and rest always in your reality–God individualized.

You are approaching the season of gratitude and celebration.  Gratitude  is a Divine quality, a facet of love that is already fully present within every person.  This is why it is important to only look for  love, gratitude, appreciation, support, etc. from within, where it exists, rather than to another person even if that person is the one it would be most expected from.  When you look to God for what only God has, it will flow from where it can flow which is often from where  least expected.

The belief in separation has created a collective consciousness that believes everything needed  is outside of self including love and gratitude. This  has created religious, governmental, medical, traditional, and financial systems based on attaining.  Once you understand that all facets of love are God qualities,  it is not only foolish, but is a form of idolatry to continue looking  to  people, government, experts, religious leaders, friends and family, rites and rituals, and even spiritual Guides  for  that which only God possesses–and where is God?

Spiritual evolution is nothing more than every person’s  individual process of un-conditioning their consciousness in order to once again align with its reality–a consciousness  permanently at rest in the realization of  self-sustained, self-maintained, harmonious, complete, abundant,  ONEness with Source.  Every experience, relationship, good or bad situation in every lifetime has been a step toward that goal–never random, never for punishment or reward, and never for no reason.

Many individuals without being consciously  aware of it  live from a higher sense of  love and gratitude  never seeking praise or ego recognition but simply because they attained this state of consciousness in this or some past life.  Every quality of Divine Consciousness exists fully present within you and every person now, not after you say enough correct prayers, do enough ceremonies, light enough candles, or show up for church on a regular basis but rather when you remove the barriers that block the flow from within–concepts of duality, separation and many powers that you have accumulated and continue to hold  as reality in consciousness.

Actions of love and gratitude take many forms and may simply be donating clothing or money, volunteering, or serving where needed on a three dimensional level.  But when these seemingly ordinary activities are done from a consciousness of ONEness without desire for personal gain or ego praise in the realization that they are flowing through you, not from you,  they carry a higher vibrational frequency and become more than what they appear to be.  In whatever ways you are guided to express love and gratitude always do it from the realization that because there is only ONE you are really flowing these things to yourself–loving yourself, moving money from your right hand pocket into your left, and lifting seeming ordinary experiences to  higher levels.

Everyone is a Divine being because no other reality exists but the majority continues to  believe that they are nothing more than a physical body needing to be protected and catered to in order to hold off death for as long as possible.  This belief is sustained and maintained only by the  world’s continuing belief in it.

God Consciousness (which in reality is the  consciousness of every person but conditioned with false beliefs)  contains nothing about death and has never expressed ITself in forms of disease, war, pain, suffering abuse,  power over, etc.  Why or how would an omnipresent Divine Consciousness  create anything outside of SELF when there is nothing outside of SELF?  Three dimensional concepts of good are no higher or more real than three dimensional concepts of bad because both are simply the two ends of the same duality stick and neither exist in Divine Consciousness.

All is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process.  Much is coming  that will cause even those who are spiritually awake to perhaps question, doubt,  and even be shocked  but never forget why you are on earth at this time which is not to react and align with obsolete three dimensional concepts  but rather to hold Light and assist others into a new world of love and oneness.

You already are Divine Beings. Never doubt, question, or forget this.


We are the Arcturian Group                                                                            11/24/24